63RD WFIMC General assembly launched in Berlin

People posing in front of the camera

63rd WFIMC General Assembly 2019, held in Norrköping Sweden 8-11 May 2019, was launched at The Swiss Embassy in Berlin. Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition (WSIMC ) was represented by Sonja Stenhammar and Claes Egnell, hosts of the General Assembly 2019. Click here to continue reading!


Photo by WFIMC (left to right): Didier Schnorhk (President, WFIMC), Benjamin Woodroffe (Secretary General, WFIMC), Sonja Stenhammar (Founder & Artistic Director, Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition), Paul R. Seger (Swiss Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany), Claes Egnell (President, Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition)