Competition 2018

Final concert June 14, 2018. De Geerhallen, Norrköping

Thanks to all the visitors and participants in the Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition this year. Here you can find the prizewinners and information about the jury. We hope you will return next time!

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Hayoung Ra

South Korea, soprano, 2018

Audience's Choice

Second prize

Stenhammar's Prize

Portrait of man

Yohan Kim

South Korea, tenor, 2018


Joel Annmo

Sweden, soprano, 2018

Third Prize

Other prizewinners

Jungkwon Jang

, soprano, 2018

Forth Prize

Hayoung Ra

South Korea, soprano, 2018

Audience's Choice

Second prize

Stenhammar's Prize

Rodrigo Sosa Dal Pozzo

Italy / Venezuela, countertenor, 2018

Forth Prize

Mozart Prize



Josefine Andersson

Sweden, mezzosoprano, 2018

Joel Annmo

Sweden, soprano, 2018

Third Prize

Sung Kyu Choi

South Korea, baritone, 2018

Jungkwon Jang

, soprano, 2018

Forth Prize

Yohan Kim

South Korea, tenor, 2018


Hayoung Ra

South Korea, soprano, 2018

Audience's Choice

Second prize

Stenhammar's Prize

Johanna Rudström

Sweden, mezzosoprano, 2018

Rodrigo Sosa Dal Pozzo

Italy / Venezuela, countertenor, 2018

Forth Prize

Mozart Prize

Zinaida Tsarenko

Russia, mezzosoprano, 2018

Chairman of the Jury
Clas Sköld, former Casting Director, Malmö Opera, Sweden

Nader Abbassi, Conductor/Composer, Egypt/Switzerland
Georges Delnon, Opera Director, Staatsoper Hamburg
Serge Dorny,Opera Director, l´Opèra national de Lyon
Göran Gademan, Casting Director, Gothenburg Opera, Sweden
Olga Kondina, Soprano/Professor, Russia
Karin Veres, former Managing and Artistic Director, Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, Sweden